Developer Interface

This part of the documentation details the classes and functions available within pyPP6


class pyAPP6.Files.AircraftModel

Holds the APP6 aircraft model that is used to read and write APP .acft files

Each type of data (Mass&Limits, Aerodynamcis, Propulsion, Stores) is stored in two lists: one list containing names and one list containing data. These two lists have to have the same length. The configurations are built by using these list indices. Take proper care when manipulating these lists manually and update the ‘ProjectAircraft’ (m_Prj).


The best way to create an instance of an AircraftModel is to use the classmethod fromFile:

from pyAPP6 import Files

acft = Files.AircraftModel.fromFile(r'myAircraft.acft')
  • m_GeneralData (GeneralData) – General data about the aircraft
  • text (Text) – Content of the comment text box in ‘General Data’
  • configName (list[str]) – list holding the names of the Mass&Limits datasets (‘Config’ classes)
  • aeroName (list[str]) – list holding the names of the Aerodynamics datasets (‘Aero’ classes)
  • propulsionName (list[str]) – list holding the names of the Propulsion datasets (‘PropulsionData’ child classes)
  • storeName (list[str]) – list holding the names of the Store datasets (‘Store’ classes)
  • m_config (list[Config]) – list of the Mass&Limits datasets (‘Config’ classes)
  • m_aero (list[Aero]) – list of the Aerodynamics datasets (‘Aero’ classes)
  • m_propulsion (list[PropulsionData]) – list of the Propulsion datasets (‘PropulsionData’ child classes)
  • m_store (list[Store]) – list of the Store datasets (‘Store’ classes)
  • m_Prj (ProjectAircraft) – Contains the Configurations and Store Configurations
classmethod fromFile(filename)

Creates a new AircraftModel instance from the path ‘filename’

  • ValueError – If a parsing error occurs. The aircraft file seems to be corrupted
  • IOError – If the file cannot be opened

load an aircraft from a file handle f. Low level function, use fromFile or loadFromFile.

Raises:ValueError – If a parsing error occurs. The aircraft file seems to be corrupted

load an aircraft from a file path ‘filename’

  • ValueError – If a parsing error occurs. The aircraft file seems to be corrupted
  • IOError – If the file cannot be opened
saveToFile(filename, overwrite=False)

Write the APP .acft aircraft file.

Raises:ValueError – If file exists but overwrite was set to False
class pyAPP6.Files.GeneralData

Class used in ‘AircraftModel’ to store general data.

  • m_sAircraftName (str) – Name of the aircraft model (‘Model’ field in APP)
  • m_sManufacturer (str) – Name of the manufacturer
  • m_sVariant (str) – Name of a specific variant for this aircraft
  • m_sYear (str) – Year
  • m_sAuthor (str) – Name of the author of the APP model
  • m_sVersion (str) – Version description of the APP model
  • m_sDate (str) – Date of the APP model. Format: DD/MM/YYYY (e.g. 24/03/2016)
class pyAPP6.Files.Config

Class used in ‘AircraftModel’, holds Mass&Limits data

  • text (Text) – Description
  • mass (Mass) – Class holding mass data
  • gear (Gear) – Class holding gear data
  • tolParameter (TOLParameter) – Class holding parameters for take-off and landing
  • nEngines (NExtReal) – Number of engines
  • thrustMult (NExtReal) – Thrust multiplier
  • fuelFlowMult (NExtReal) – Fuel flow multiplier
  • relAoA (NExtReal) – Thrust line angle
  • dDragArea (NExtReal) – Delta drag area
  • dragMult (NExtReal) – Drag multiplier
  • posLimitLF (NExtReal) – Positive limit load factor
  • negLimitLF (NExtReal) – Negative limit load factor
  • limitAoAMax (NExtReal) – Maximum AoA Limit
  • limitAoAMin (NExtReal) – Minimum AoA Limit
  • limitMass (NExtReal) – Maximum Take-Off Mass limiter (optional)
  • limitMachTable (X1Table) – Mach limiter table (altitide, Mach)
  • limitAoAGTable (X1Table) – AoA-G limiter table (AoA, g)
class pyAPP6.Files.TOLParameter

Class used in the ‘Config’ (Mass&Limits) class for the ‘AircraftModel’

  • tailstrikeAngle (NExtReal) – Tailsrike angle
  • maxTireSpeed (NExtReal) – currently unused
class pyAPP6.Files.Mass

Class used in the ‘Config’ (Mass&Limits) class for the ‘AircraftModel’

This class holds the mass breakdown. A minimal dataset should have values for the structure, payload and internalFuel entries.

  • structure (NExtReal) – Structure mass
  • propulsionGroup (NExtReal) – Propulsion group mass
  • equipment (NExtReal) – Equipment mass
  • massDeviations (NExtReal) – Mass deviation
  • fixedOperatingEquipment (NExtReal) – Fixed op. equipment mass
  • unusableFuelAndOil (NExtReal) – Unusable fuel and oil mass
  • gun (NExtReal) – Gun mass
  • removableOperatingEquipment (NExtReal) – Removable op. equipment mass
  • usableOil (NExtReal) – Usable oil mass
  • crew (NExtReal) – Crew mass
  • specMissionEquipment (NExtReal) – Spec. mission euqipment mass
  • ammunition (NExtReal) – Ammunition mass
  • payload (NExtReal) – Payload mass
  • internalFuel (NExtReal) – Fuel mass (internal fuel)
class pyAPP6.Files.Gear

Class used in the ‘Config’ (Mass&Limits) class for the ‘AircraftModel’

  • cdGearArea (NExtReal) – Gear drag area
  • aoaGround (NExtReal) – AoA on Ground
  • isFixedGear (Boolean) – Fixed gear
class pyAPP6.Files.Aero

Class used in ‘AircraftModel’, holds aerodynamics data

  • text (Text) – Description
  • aspectRatio (NExtReal) – Aspect ratio
  • Sref (NExtReal) – Reference area
  • cd0Table (X2Table) – Table holding the zero lift drag CD0
  • cdITable (X2Table) – Table holding the induced drag CDI
  • clmaxTable (X1Table) – Table holding the maximum CL (CLmax)
  • cl0Table (X1Table) – Table holding the Cl0 (DCL, i.e. CL for minimum drag)
  • clTable (X2Table) – Table holding the lift curves (CL)
class pyAPP6.Files.PropulsionData

Base class for propulsion datasets. Use the class method ‘fromIndex’ to create child classes.

classmethod fromIndex(index)

Creates a PropulsionData child class using the propulsion type (index)

Parameters:index (str) – The currently available types are ‘PROPULSION_JET’ and ‘PROPULSION_PROP’
class pyAPP6.Files.JetPropulsionData

Class used in ‘AircraftModel’, holds jet propulsion data

  • m_manufacturer (str) – Manufacturer of the engine
  • m_variant (str) – Variant of the engine
  • nthrustData (int) – Number of thrust characteristics. Equals the length of the thrustData list
  • thrustData (list[JetThrust]) – List containing the thrust characteristics (JetThrust)
  • nfuelData (int) – Number of thrust characteristics. Equals the length of the thrustData list
  • fuelData (list[JetFuel]) – List containing the fuel flow data (JetFuel)
  • m_index (str) – Type of the propulsion, PROPULSION_JET
class pyAPP6.Files.JetThrust

Class used in ‘JetPropulsionData’, holds jet thrust data

  • name (str) – Name of the dataset
  • text (Text) – Description
  • maxThrustTable (X2Table) – Table holding the max. thrust data
  • minThrustTable (X2Table) – Table holding the min. thrust data
  • fuelFlowFileName (str) – Name of the fuel flow data associated with this thrust dataset
class pyAPP6.Files.JetFuel

Class used in ‘JetPropulsionData’, holds jet fuel flow data

  • name (str) – Name of the dataset
  • text (Text) – Description
  • fuelTable (X3Table) – Table holding the fuel flow data
class pyAPP6.Files.PropPropulsionData

Class used in ‘AircraftModel’, holds propeller propulsion data

class pyAPP6.Files.PropThrust

Class used in ‘PropPropulsionData’, holds propeller and power data

class pyAPP6.Files.PropFuel

Class used in ‘PropPropulsionData’, holds fuel flow data

class pyAPP6.Files.Store

Class used in ‘AircraftModel’, holds store data

class pyAPP6.Files.ProjectAircraft

Class used in ‘AircraftModel’, holds the configurations and store configurations

  • storeConfigName (list[str]) – List of the store configuration names
  • storeConfigList (list[StoreDataList]) – List of the store configurations
  • text (Text) – Description. Currently unused
  • nrOfProjects (int) – Number of aircraft configurations
  • nrOfStoreSettings (int) – Number of store configurations
  • settingName (list[str]) – List of the aircraft configuration names
  • configName (list[str]) – List of the mass and limit dataset names
  • aeroName (list[str]) – List of the aerodynamic dataset names
  • propulsionName (list[str]) – List of the propulsion dataset names
  • thrustName (list[str]) – List of the thrust rating dataset names

Check the project for consistency

Raises:AssertionError – If any of the lists do not have the same length as the project
class pyAPP6.Files.StoreDataList

Holds a list of StoreData. Used in ProjectAircraft and ProjectAircraftSetting.

class pyAPP6.Files.StoreDataList

Holds a list of StoreData. Used in ProjectAircraft and ProjectAircraftSetting.

class pyAPP6.Files.StoreData

Holds the state of a store. The correpsonding ‘Store’ data is identified by its name

  • name (string) – Name of the ‘Store’ data
  • autodrop (int) – set to 1 if the store should be dropped when empty, 0 otherwise (if the store is a fuel tank)
  • storestate (int) – Indicates if the store is dropped (1) or attached (0)


class pyAPP6.Files.MissionComputationFile

Reads an APP .mis file

This class reads an APP mission computation file. Most of the data is stored in a ProjectAircraftSetting object (aircraft configuration and stores) and a MissionDefinition object (initial conditions, list of segments). When manipulating mission files, consult the source code and documentation of these two classes.


Data for APP’s “Parameter Study” computation mode is read as well (into the variationData attribute). However, APP’s command line mode does not support this computation type


The best way to create an instance of a MissionComputationFile is to use the classmethod fromFile:

from pyAPP6 import Files

mis = Files.MissionComputationFile.fromFile(r'myMission.mis')
  • text (Text) – Description text
  • name (str) – name of the mission computation
  • author (str) – name of the author of the mission file
  • aircraftpath (str) – path to the aircraft, either relative (to the location of the mis file) or absolute
  • projectAircraftSetting (ProjectAircraftSetting) – holds the used configuration of the aircraft and settings of stores
  • misDef (MissionDefinition) – Holds the initial conditions and the list of segments
  • resData (ResArrayData) – Holds the computation type (CMP_MISSION or CMP_MISSIONVAR)
  • variationData (VariationData) – Holds data for the Parameter Study mission computation type

Check if the aircraft file specified in aircraftpath exists

classmethod fromFile(filename)

Creates a new MissionComputationFile instance from the path ‘filename’

Raises:IOError – If the file cannot be opened

If the aircraftpath is relative, this function returns the absolute path with respect to misFilePath


Loads a mis file using an existing open file handle f. To read from a file path, use the fuction loadFromFile or the classmethod fromFile

class pyAPP6.Files.MissionDefinition

Class is used in ‘MissionComputationFile’. Holds the initial conditions and the list of segments.

  • initialFd (FlightData) – Initial conditions of the mission
  • segments (list[MissionSegment]) – List of segments
  • opt (MisOptData) – Optimizer settings
class pyAPP6.Files.MissionSegment

Used in the class ‘MissionDefinition’, holds all data that describes a segment

  • segmentIndex (str) – type of the segment, e.g. ‘SEG_TAKEOFF’ or ‘SEG_CLIMB’. Refer to the documentation for valid strings
  • versionString (list[str]) – class name and version, set by APP6
  • segFd (FlightData) – parameters of the segment. Not all segments use all data.
  • Timestep (NExtReal) – timestep of the segment, in seconds
  • endValue1,endValue2 (NExtReal) – Segment stop conditions. See documentation for valid NExtReal.realIdx strings
  • comparatorType1,comparatorType2 (int) – Comparator for each segment stop condition. less=0, greater=1
  • increaseX,increaseY,increaseZ (int) – flags for x,y and z integration (the z value is currently unused)
  • specialValue1,specialValue2 (NExtReal) – some segments use additional data. Refer to the documentation
  • specialInteger (int) – some segments use additional data. Refer to the documentation
class pyAPP6.Files.MisOptData

Holds mission optimization data, used in ‘MissionDefinition’.

class pyAPP6.Files.ProjectAircraftSetting

Saves the index of the active configuration and store configuration and holds the initial state of the stores within the selected store configuration

Used in ‘PerformanceChartFile’ and ‘MissionComputationFile’

class pyAPP6.Files.VariationData

Holds mission variation data, used in ‘MissionComputationFile’.


class pyAPP6.Files.PerformanceChartFile

Reads an APP .perf file

This class reads an APP performance chart file. Most of the data is stored in a ProjectAircraftSetting object (aircraft, configuration and stores), a FlightData object (initial conditions and flight state) and a PointPerfSolver child class object (specific data, related to the type of performance chart).


Not all types of point performance charts can be computed by the APP command line mode. See documentation for valid types.


The best way to create an instance of a PerformanceChartFile is to use the classmethod fromFile:

from pyAPP6 import Files

chart = Files.PerformanceChartFile.fromFile(r'myPerfFile.perf')
  • text (Text) – Description text
  • name (str) – name of the mission computation
  • author (str) – name of the author of the mission file
  • aircraftpath (str) – path to the aircraft, either relative (to the location of the perf file) or absolute
  • projectAircraftSetting (ProjectAircraftSetting) – holds the used configuration of the aircraft and settings of stores
  • flightData (FlightData) – holds the flight state (initial conditions)
  • perf (PointPerfSolver) – instance of a child class of PointPerfSolver, defines the type of performance chart
classmethod fromFile(filename)

Creates a new PerformanceChartFile instance from the path ‘filename’

Raises:IOError – If the file cannot be opened

If the aircraftpath is relative, this function returns the absolute path with respect to the misFilePath

class pyAPP6.Files.PointPerfSolver

Base class for a performance chart (PerformanceChartFile) type. Do not use directly, use the class ‘PointPerfHelper’ to generate child classes.

class pyAPP6.Files.PointSolveParaStudy

‘Point Performance Computation’ performance chart type, used in ‘PerformanceChartFile’

class pyAPP6.Files.PointSolveLFEnvelope

‘G-Envelope’ performance chart type, used in ‘PerformanceChartFile’

class pyAPP6.Files.PointSolveSEPEnvelope

‘SEP-Envelope’ performance chart type, used in ‘PerformanceChartFile’

class pyAPP6.Files.PointSolveSEPTurnRate

‘Turn-Rate Chart (SEP)’ performance chart type, used in ‘PerformanceChartFile’

class pyAPP6.Files.PointSolveAltTurnRate

‘Turn-Rate Chart (Altitude)’ performance chart type, used in ‘PerformanceChartFile’

class pyAPP6.Files.PointSolveAltSEP

‘SEP Chart (Altitude)’ performance chart type, used in ‘PerformanceChartFile’

class pyAPP6.Files.PointSolveThrustDrag

‘Thrust and Drag’ performance chart type, used in ‘PerformanceChartFile’

Common Classes

class pyAPP6.Files.FlightData

Holds all data that defines a flight state.

class pyAPP6.Files.ResArrayData

Holds data for ranges used in performance charts (‘PointPerfSolver’)

class pyAPP6.Files.Text

Multi-line text, used in ‘Description’ fields of APP

Variables:text (list[str]) – lines of the text. An empty line is written with a single ‘%’ character


>>> comment=Text()
>>> comment.text=['This is a multi-line comment.','%','This is another line']
>>> comment.writeASCII(sys.stdout)
CText       1
This is a multi-line comment.
This is another line

Supporting Classes

class pyAPP6.Files.PointPerfHelper

Factory class to generate ‘PointPerfSolver’ child classes corresponding to a specified performance chart type.

Valid chart types are:

Variables:cmpType (string) – type of performance chart. See the class method ‘newSolver’ for a list of valid types.
classmethod fromType(cmpType)

Creates a new ‘PointPerfSolver’ instance with type cmpType.

  • NotImplementedError – If the ‘cmpType’ has not yet been implemented into pyAPP6
  • ValueError – If the ‘cmpType’ is not a valid chart type.

Returns a child class instance of base type ‘PointPerfSolver’ by using the attribure ‘cmpType’. cmpType is set using SetType().

  • NotImplementedError – If the ‘cmpType’ has not yet been implemented into pyAPP6
  • ValueError – If the ‘cmpType’ is not a valid chart type.

Data Types

class pyAPP6.Files.NExtReal

APP datatype that wraps a float and allows to specify a label, type of variable (through an index string) and indicate if the value is a limiter

  • xx (float) – value of variable
  • label (str) – label of the value, e.g. ‘[Mach]’
  • realIdx (str) – index (type) of variable, e.g. ‘REAL_MACH’
  • limitActive (int) – 0 or 1, depends on whether the variable has an active limit. E.g used for Max. Take-Off Mass
  • note (.) – use readASCIILimited and writeASCIILimited if the variable is a limited value.


When using pyAPP6 to read APP files, usually no direct use of this type is needed. This information is mostly for developers/maintainers. The text format of a simple, non-limited NExtReal looks like this:


This is parsed using readASCII with the flag full=True. The full flag has to be set to True to read the index string ‘REAL_MACH’.

>>> val = NExtReal()
>>> f = open('path to text file')
>>> val.readASCII(f, full=True)

resulting in the following attributes:

val.xx = 0.985
val.realIdx = 'REAL_MACH'
val.label = '[Mach]'
val.limitActive = 0

If the text format has no index string,


readASCII is called with with the flag full=False:

>>> val = NExtReal()
>>> f = open('path to text file')
>>> val.readASCII(f)
class pyAPP6.Files.Boolean

Wrapper to read/write an APP boolean


class pyAPP6.Files.X0Table

Holds a 1D table (data range)

  • data (list[str]) – Table data with table factor and interpolation settings
  • table (ndarray) – numpy array of shape (N,1)
  • label (str) – Header string
  • X0Typ (str) – APP variable type
class pyAPP6.Files.X1Table

Holds a 2D table

  • data (list[str]) – Table data with table factor and interpolation settings
  • table (ndarray) – numpy array of shape (N,2)
  • label (str) – Header string
class pyAPP6.Files.X2Table(embedded=False)

Holds a list of 2D tables

  • data (list[str]) – Table data with table factor and interpolation settings
  • table (list[ndarray]) – list of numpy arrays of shape (N,2)
  • value (list[float]) – value of each table
  • label (str) – Header string
  • embedded (bool) – True if table is embedded in an ‘X3Table’. Disables reading/writing of header (data and label)

Remove all elements from the table


Returns index of table with value “value”

  • value (float) – value of the table
  • Retruns
  • -------
  • int – index of table with “value”

IndexError – If table value is not in the list

insertTable(value, data)

Insert a new table (value, data) pair

  • value (float) – value of table to add
  • data (ndarray) – data table as a numpy array with shape (N,2)
  • ValueError – If table with value ‘value’ already exists
  • ValueError – If data is not of shape N

Remove table of index i

class pyAPP6.Files.X3Table

Holds a list of X2Tables.

This class holds a list of X2Tables and a value for each table.

  • data (list[str]) – Table data with table factor and interpolation settings
  • table (list[X2Table]) – list of X2Table instances
  • value (list[float]) – value of each table
  • label (str) – Header string

Remove all elements from the table

insertTable(value, x2Table)

Insert a new table (value, x2Table) pair

  • value (float) – value of table to add
  • x2Table (X2Table) – X2Table to insert
  • ValueError – If table with value ‘value’ already exists
  • ValueError – If x2Table is not of type X2Table

Remove table of index i

Mission Computations

class pyAPP6.Mission.MissionComputation(APP6Directory='C:\Program Files (x86)\ALR Aerospace\APP 6 Professional Edition')

Class to execute APP and subsequently load the results.

This class is a helper class to execute APP mission computations. After creating an instance of this object, execute the ‘run’ function. The result will be loaded into the ‘result’ attribute. ‘result’ is of type MissionResult, see the documentation of the MissionResult class for further details.


The ‘Parameter Study’ computation type can not be computed with the APP command line mode.


This example shows how to run a mission computation and obtain an instance of the mission result:

from pyAPP6 import Mission

misCmp = Mission.MissionComputation()'myMission.mis')
result = misCmp.getResult()

This example assumes APP is installed in the default directory.

  • output (str) – Path to the text file with the mission results written by APP
  • result (MissionResult) – The result of the mission computation, parsed from the ‘output’ text file
  • misCompFile (Files.MissionComputationFile) – Instance of a MissionComputationFile (APP .mis file). Is available once the method run was called
  • db (Database) – Instance of a Database object
  • inputfile (str) – Path to the APP mis file

Prints the name of the segments


Prints the name of the stores used in the mission

run(inputfile, imperial=False, suffix='_output', ParameterList='ParameterList_All.par')

This method runs APP6 using the command line mode and loads the results.

After the APP6 computation has terminated, the result is read into ‘result’.

  • inputfile (str) – path to the APP6 .mis file
  • imperial (bool, optional) – set False for SI units, True for imperial units
  • suffix (string, optional) – suffix of the written result text filename
  • ParameterList (string, optional) – filename of the parameter file. Has to be in the pyAPP6 directory.

True if successful, False otherwise.

Return type:


  • IOError – If the mission file (inputfile) does not exists
  • IOError – If the aircraft file specified in the mission does not exists or if no aircraft path was provided
  • ValueError – If the computation type of the mission file is not set to ‘Single Mission’
class pyAPP6.Mission.MissionResult

This class can read the APP mission result text file.


This example shows how to read a mission result directly from a text file. This is useful to read results from past mission computations, for example when conduction batch simulations:

from pyAPP6 import Mission

res = Mission.MissionResult.fromFile(r'myMission.mis_ouput.txt')
  • output (dict) – Dictionary containing the mission flags, error text, number- and list of variables
  • segments (list[MissionResultSegment]) – A list of MissionResultSegment class instances, holding the results of each segment
  • initialSettings (MissionResultSegment()) – The initial settings of the mission
classmethod fromFile(filename)

Creates a new MissionResult instance from the path ‘filename’

Raises:IOError – If the file cannot be opened

Returns the first variable index starting with the name ‘name’

Parameters:name (str) – name of the variable
Raises:ValueError – If the variable with name ‘name’ does not exists

Returns an ordered list of the variable names


returns the name of the variable at index idx

class pyAPP6.Mission.MissionResultSegment

Class used to store the result of a single mission segment. This class is used in the MissionResult class to parse each segment.

  • name (str) – Name of the segment
  • data (ndarray) – Data table as a numpy array with shape (ndata,n_var). n_var is stored in the MissionResult.output[‘n_var’]
  • ndata (int) – Number of datapoints in the segment

Performance Chart Computations

class pyAPP6.Performance.PerformanceChart(APP6Directory='C:\Program Files (x86)\ALR Aerospace\APP 6 Professional Edition')

Helper class to execute a performance chart computation from an existing .perf file.

  • inputfile (str) – Path to the input .perf file
  • perfFile (PerformanceChartFile) – Parsed input APP6 .perf file
  • output (str) – Path to the resulting txt file
  • result (PerformanceChartResult) – Result
  • APP6Path (str) – Full path to the APP6 executable

APP6Directory (str, optional) – Path to the location of the APP6 executable.


ValueError – If the APP6 executable is not found in the specified directory

run(inputfile, imperial=False, suffix='_output')

This method runs APP6 using the command line mode and load the results.

After the APP6 computation has terminated, the result is read into ‘result’.

  • inputfile (str) – path to the APP6 .perf file
  • imperial (bool, optional) – set False for SI units, True for imperial units
  • suffix (string, optional) – suffix of the written result text filename

True if successful, False otherwise.

Return type:


  • IOError – If the performance file (inputfile) does not exists
  • IOError – If the aircraft file specified in the performance file does not exists or if no aircraft path was provided
class pyAPP6.Performance.PerformanceChartResult

Reads a result txt file written by the APP6 command line mode for a performance chart.


This example shows how to read a performance chart result directly from a text file. This is useful to read results from past computations, for example when conduction batch computations:

from pyAPP6 import Performance

res = Performance.PerformanceChartResult.fromFile(r'myChart.perf_ouput.txt')
  • output (dict) – stores the result meta-data
  • lines (List[ResultLine]) – holds the data of each line of a performanc chart
classmethod fromFile(filename)

Creates a new PerformanceChartResult instance from the path ‘filename’

Raises:IOError – If the file cannot be opened

Returns the error text


Returns the ResultLine at index idx

Parameters:idx (int) – Index of line
Returns:numpy array of all data points, with shape (n_points,n_variables)
Return type:ndarray

Returns a list of all line labels


Returns the list of ResultLines

getLineVariableData(idx, varIdx)
  • idx (int) – Index of line
  • varIdx (int) – Index of variable

numpy array with data points and shape (n,)

Return type:



Returns the first variable index starting with the name ‘name’

Parameters:name (str) – name of the variable
Raises:ValueError – If the variable with name ‘name’ does not exists

Returns an ordered list of the variable names


returns the name of the variable at index idx


Returns True if the performance result was computed sucessfully


Read a APP6 performance chart result

Parameters:filename (str) – path to the results txt file written by APP6
class pyAPP6.Performance.ResultLine

Represents a line in an APP6 performance chart.

  • label (str) – Label of the line
  • value (str) – Value of the line
  • ndata (int) – Number of data points of the line
  • data (ndarray) – Data array of all points with shape (ndata,nvariables)

This function is called by the PerformanceChartResult class, do not use directly. Reads a line from the file handle f.